Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Welcome to Pepperwood Rabbitry

     We are located in the mountains of the Kern River Valley. We started raising rabbits in 2013, as a way of supplementing the meat in our freezer. I enjoy it very much and I’m always learning new things. My husband and kids are involved too and I couldn’t do it without them. They help with the feeding and care, and my hubby has been an expert craftsmen, building me hutches and nesting boxes. This is very much a family project.
         We have 5 does and 3 bucks in our rabbitry, and hope to have about 15 litters in the next year. Because the temperatures reach such extreme lows and highs during the winter and summer months, we have decided to only breed from September through November and February through May. The other five months of the year we hunker down.
         As well as raising rabbits and chickens in our backyard farm, we also homeschool our children and live as self-sufficiently as possible. Raising animals and growing food is a part of our children’s education. My family and I are always learning new things when it comes to this whole backyard farming thing and I can’t wait to share what I learn with you.
         If you live in the Kern River Valley and are interested in obtaining rabbits for breeding or pets, please visit the Current Rabbits section of my blog for further information. If you are a rabbit breeder or backyard rabbit raiser, feel free to contact me, as I am always looking for other breeders to talk to and share ideas and information with. Thanks for visiting, come back again soon!